Restore healthy blood sugar levels without restricting carbs and with no additional medications!
Book your complimentary Diabetes
Turnaround session
Personalized Plan
No low carb
Safe and natural
Are you frustrated by unexpected high sugar levels when you have done everything right?
Are you tired of not being able to eat what you want without consequences?
Are you tired of feeling good one minute and bad the next?
Now, imagine if you could improve your sugar control considerably and consistently and feel better without
• hard-to-follow diets and…
• without needing to take more medications!
Here is the thing, the common approach to treating diabetes - counting carbs and taking medications, doesn’t resolve the underlying causes of diabetes and so you may lower your blood sugar temporarily, but it has a way of creeping back up when you least expect it. So you still end up with cravings & not being able to eat what you want and you still just feel tired and not so well much of the time.
Uncontrolled diabetes has consequences. It can lead to heart disease (heart attack, stroke), kidney failure, vision loss, nerve damage and other concerns.
However, this doesn’t need to happen to you!!!
With proper guidance you can turn things around.
Here is the deal about diabetes
High blood sugar levels are NOT the cause of diabetes, but rather the EFFECT.
If we can figure out what is preventing your cells from absorbing glucose and correct that then the excess sugar in your blood will flow into your cells (where it will be used to provide energy) and blood glucose levels will normalize.
Things that may prevent your cells from absorbing and using glucose properly include:
Determining and dealing with the cause(s) that are relevant to you will set you on a path to recovery and allow you to reclaim your health and your life, often within three to six months.
To explore this further book your complimentary Diabetes Turnaround session, where we
dive into where you are right now and I give you the most strategic steps based on your
specific situation.
About Dr. Klein N.D.
I have been a clinician for close to 20 years and I am the author of the book “Read This If You Have a Heart - the Book on Lowering High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Naturally”.
Shortly after starting my practice I noticed the same pattern in my type 2 diabetes clients - they were trying their best to watch their carb intake, take their medications, and they generally still didn’t get better. In fact, as time progressed, they got worse., suffering from neuropathy, kidney disease and most of them were also taking heart medications (which may make diabetes worse)
Because they had very little to no recourse to get proper help within the conventional medical system, I decided to dedicate my work to the reversal of diabetes, and over time became North America’s Diabetes Turnaround guy.
I pay careful attention to my client's health history and use my expertise to order the right tests so that we can find out the specific causes of the diabetes in every individual’s particular case. This approach allows me to create a individualized program to facilitate the turnaround they are after.
See the examples below.
If you’d like to explore working with me just reach out for a complementary Diabetes Turnaround session.
How it works
We have a face to face
consuultation by zoom or
similar platforms, so I can
help you without you needing
to leave the comfort of your
home, no matter where you
I assess your situation to
identify what the causes of
your diabetes are and give
you an action plan to turn it
around without needing to
limit carbs
I guide you over the next
several weeks through each
step of your action plan, so
you can get this done as
easily and quickly as possible
by working closely with me
To explore this further book your complimentary Diabetes Turnaround session, where we dive into where you are right now and I give you the most strategic steps based on your specific situation.
By the way, as a licensed primary care practitioner I can’t share clients’ testimonials in public, however, the videos below are of students who completed an educational program I used to offer at one point and because these testimonials don’t relate to clinical work, but rather an education program, I am taking the liberty to share these (with their permission of course). This can give you a sense of what is possible.
Book your complimentary Diabetes Turnaround session