Healthy Longevity Secrets

This series of educational articles uncovers a number of “secrets” about what factors support healthy longevity. These are “secrets” because these factors aren’t publicly mentioned or discussed that often.

It is said that if you want to succeed in something, find someone who is successful in that field and learn from that person.
In a similar way, in order to figure out what is required to live a long and healthy life you need to find the longest living and healthiest people on earth and learn what they do that makes them successful in their health and longevity.

There are, in fact, a few regions in the World, known as the “blue zones”, where the greatest number of healthy centenarians (people who live beyond 100 years of age) live. These are specific regions in Japan, Greece, Italy, Costa Rica and California.

What is interesting to me about these regions is that the people who live there don’t go to extraordinary lengths to be healthy. For example, they don’t necessarily go the gym or run marathons, yet, they are moderately active. They don’t necessarily avoid sugar or salt, yet they don’t consume much processed foods.

They not only live longer, but healthier, in mind and body, enjoying greater mobility, energy levels, cognitive health and independence. Naturally, they have a lower incidence of diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, diseases of the heart and blood vessels and various cancers.

Some of the content in the articles below is relevant to how blue zoners lead their lives. As a naturopathic doctor who has served mid-aged and older adults for close to 20 years, I have been developing a keen discernment to what works to optimize health and what doesn’t and how unproductive it sometimes may be to “follow the crowd” or follow what’s popular. These article present information that is foundational to ensuring healthy aging. If you have any questions about any of the articles, feel free to type it in the designated space at the bottom of the page.

Lesson #1 - The Worst Food for Your Health

(Approximately a 5-minute read)

In the first lesson of this series, I am going to reveal the worst type of food, or category of food, so to speak, for human health.This category of food contributes the most to all sorts of chronic conditions, chronic disease, and premature aging!!! Its effects can be recognized externally on the body as brown spots and hair loss…

Lesson #2 - Limiting This Might Actually Be Harmful to Your Health (and longevity?)

(This is approximately a 4.5 min read)

Over the past couple of decades, the idea that carbs or sugar “are bad for you” has become very popular, to the point that many people decided to follow a low carb or ketogenic diet (consuming less than 50g of carbohydrates per day). Many say they feel great on those diets. However, does that mean that carbs and sugar are “bad for you” as a rule of thumb?

Lesson #3 - A Common Little Known Cause Of Chronic Disease And Premature Aging

(Approximately a 2.5 min read)

Remember when I mentioned brown spots were an external (cosmetic) sign of the accumulation of PUFA in the body? Well, the other thing that contributes to the formation of brown spots, due to its interaction with PUFA, and to diseases related to premature aging, is iron…

Lesson #4 - Endotoxin – A Common Cause of Chronic Disease and Premature Aging

(This is approximately a 5 min read)

In this lesson, I would like to introduce you to something most people haven’t heard about, and yet, it is a major cause of multiple chronic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, and inflammatory conditions affecting the digestive tract, the arteries, the joints as well as those autoimmune in nature, including rheumatoid arthritis. It Is called endotoxin…

Lesson #5 - Keep the salt shaker handy!

(A five 2.5 min read)

In this lesson, I will explain why limiting salt may actually be harmful to one’s health. Because the drive to limit salt intake as a public health policy is so strong, the statement I just made may sound unbelievable. However, as you have seen so far, I back all the assertions I make with scientific evidence…

Lesson #6 - Medication As a Significant Cause of Poor Health and Premature Death

(A 2.3 min read)

Here Is an interesting, little-known, significant cause of common health issues and the third leading cause of death in the US (and other Western countries)…

If you have any questions about any of the articles, feel free to type it in the form below.


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